  • 联系我们
    • 联系人:陈经理
    • 手机:18706518777
    • 地址:山东省青州市弥河镇小张计村



    Under normal circumstances, gold is the need of water to, but in the Gobidesert, these do not even drink water environment gold is very difficult. But my company after years of R & D and manufacturing R & D department finally can choose the alluvial gold in anhydrous, water shortage under the environment of equipment, that is, placer gold separator. The characteristics of this set of equipment is no water can select gold. This set of equipment is gold by the wind, so this set of equipment is also called sand gold wind sorting machine. Maybe when someone will ask: how is wind gold selection? The answer is: the device is suspended by the vortex wind generated the light weight of the object, the weight of heavy objects will be deposited in the card slot. Because the sand proportion is small and the proportion of gold, so the wind can blow away the sand in what was blow away the gold, silver, platinum, tungsten geometric major objects. Full blown away the sand after the slot in the left is gold.
    It is well known that air and water as a substance found in nature, the air belong to gaseous substances, water is a liquid substance, but in the dressing process are known as the medium, the proportion of the air is much smaller than the proportion of water, so in the gravity mines, fanning more than water.
    The appearance of the equipment completely broke the blank in anhydrous environment should not choose the alluvial gold aspect. But the recovery rate can centrifuge and alluvial gold jacket (i.e. Nielsen centrifuge) comparable to that surface gold 70%, 80 - 90% pieces of gold, gold grains are as high as 90% or more, the highest selected granularity 120 mesh, the enrichment ratio was 4000:1. So extraction equipment can completely when the choice of alluvial gold dry separation equipment produced by our company in the choice of alluvial gold.